"MANDALA OF MY INTERNAL CHILD’S DESIRE" (interdisciplinary artistic project of experimental exchange) By Gustavo Collini Sartor
NEW CYCLE - FREE ONLINE ZOOM MEETING "MANDALA OF MY INTERNAL CHILD’S DESIRE" (interdisciplinary artistic project of experimental exchange) The goal of this meeting is to offer creative tools, whether you have art experience or not. Coordinator: Butoh Master Gustavo Collini Sartor Moderator: Federico Iglesias. There will be various guest artists under the topic: the mandala of my inner child’s desire. Donations to keep this project going are most welcome. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=S4YUX7H45RZMG&source=url IMPORTANT: Please send us an email to seminarios.butoh@gmail.com to sign up for the meeting. (Vacancies are limited) SPANISH (Active) (Registration still open) Tuesday 6.00pm-7.30pm (Argentina & Uruguay) / 5.00pm-6.30 (Chile , Venezuela, Cuba & Latin America )/ 11.00pm-12.30pm.-(Spain and Europe)/ Wednesday 6.00pm-07.30pm (Tokyo-Japan) PORTUGUESE - SPANISH (Active) (Registration still open) Wednesday 6.00pm...