"MANDALA OF MY INTERNAL CHILD’S DESIRE" (interdisciplinary artistic project of experimental exchange) By Gustavo Collini Sartor
(interdisciplinary artistic project of experimental exchange)
The goal of this meeting is to offer creative tools, whether you have art experience or not.
Coordinator: Butoh Master Gustavo Collini Sartor
Moderator: Federico Iglesias.
There will be various guest artists under the topic: the mandala of my inner child’s desire.
Donations to keep this project going are most welcome.
IMPORTANT: Please send us an email to seminarios.butoh@gmail.com to sign up for the meeting. (Vacancies are limited)
SPANISH (Active) (Registration still open)
Tuesday 6.00pm-7.30pm (Argentina & Uruguay) / 5.00pm-6.30 (Chile , Venezuela, Cuba & Latin America )/ 11.00pm-12.30pm.-(Spain and Europe)/ Wednesday 6.00pm-07.30pm (Tokyo-Japan)
PORTUGUESE - SPANISH (Active) (Registration still open)
Wednesday 6.00pm-7.30pm (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 10.00pm-11.30pm (Lisbon,Portugal)
ENGLISH - SPANISH: Saturdays 4.00pm a 5.30pm New York EEUU, in May, Argentina 5.00pm - 6.30pm, Londres 9.00pm - 10.30pm, Tokyo Sunday 5.00am - 6.00am, Sidney 6.00am - 7.30am (Registration open)
ITALIAN - SPANISH: Thursdays 9.00pm - 10.00pm Roma, 4.00pm - 5.00pm Buenos Aires (Registration open)
- Moderator and translator: María Florencia Kais - Federico Iglesias - Mandala of my Inner Child’s Desire.
REGISTRATION by email to: seminarios.butoh@gmail.com
Personal data: full name, age, email address and mobile number ; career details, city, country etc. Brief CV or biodata in the body of the email.
Please in a few lines answer the following:
Do you know the Modern Japanese Dance Butoh?
What do you imagine as you listen to your inner child?
How do you feel about undergoing a collective creative process of a personal mandala based on different artistic techniques and certain guidelines to develop your own expressive dream space, and share it in a group?
After registration you will receive a confirmation email with data on how to join the meetings and corresponding WhatsApp group.
Collaborate and participate in this Creative Multidisciplinary Cycle.
Organised and produced by Mundo Butoh Argentina.
GUSTAVO COLLINI SARTOR is an actor. He graduated as a director at UNA Theater and as a scenographer at Salvador University. He pioneered in merging Tango with Butoh, thanks to his artistic godmother- director and mythical creator of the off theatre, Ellen Stewart "LA MAMA NY". He studied with the most renowned masters of the Japanese avant garde stage: Butoh Master Yoshito Ohno and his father Kazuo Ohno at Kazuo Ohno Dance Institute. Also he studied with Butoh Master Akira Kasai.He has taught Butoh workshops in Tokyo,Japan at the legendary Butoh centre"ASBESTOS KAN". In the west he learnt with Jerzy Grotowski in Pontedera , Italy. Currently he is a director, actor, dancer and teacher. His acting career has spread across three continents: the Americas, Asia and Europe for over twenty years. He was an art advisor at the Japanese Embassy in Argentina . At the moment he is the director and teacher of Mundo Butoh Argentina and Teatro delle Imaggini in Italy. He is also a producer with Multimedia Art Productions .