Online Chat, Reflections, Fragments of Film Butoh "ORIGENES": ADOLFO PEREZ ESQUIVEL - TADASHI ENDO - GUSTAVO COLLINI
Online Meeting - Free. ENGLISH AND SPANISH 2021. FROM 21:00 pm. (Word) OnLine Talk, Reflections, Film Butoh Fragments: ADOLFO PEREZ ESQUIVEL "Nobel Peace Prize" (Argentina) “We will also celebrate the 40th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize. TADASHI ENDO “Director, Choreographer and Interpreter butoh-ma (Japanese - German) "Creator of the BUTOH-MA (void) GUSTAVO COLLINI SARTOR “Interpreter and director of the Film. (Italian-Argentine) “Presentation of fragments of the film made with language Butoh Dance ORIGINS BUTOH “Los Gritos del Silencio” (postproduction) Reflections on the role of Art during the Pandemic that we are experiencing worldwide, as well as the Importance that it should have as a resource for the integral health of people. Previous passes necessary by writing with your data to: Mundo Butoh Argentina - Germany - Japan to (to obtain a deferred link we always send and only from emails to ...